Sunday, February 26, 2012

2012 Oscar Nominated Shorts: Animated

So I took in the Live Action Shorts last week and the Animated Shorts this week. I think the animated nominees themselves might be a little weaker, but the overall program (the nominees plus the "Highly Commended" shorts) made for a more enjoyable experience. The weakest link, for me, was "Sunday," although it was closely followed by Pixar's entry, "La Luna." The other 3 nominees were all pretty strong, but my favorite was "Wild Life," a lovely, funny, and touching short about an Englishmen who buys a ranch in the American West in the early 1900s. The story is told through his correspondence with his family and from unfavorable testimonials from the locals. I thought it was very good.

"Morning Stroll" was fairly cute, and "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore" started off with way too much sentiment and whimsy for me, but halfway through managed to find it's footing and engaged me. It will probably win.

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